

As a professional security officer, the safety of those served may also rely on one’s own sense of security. Being aware of the surroundings, carrying defensive gear, and knowing life-saving emergency procedures are just a few of the essential qualities of a professional security officer; as they will assist in being protected and handle intense situations. If the officer is able to enact safety protocol and follow appropriate professional procedures, people will trust you to keep them safe. If you want to keep yourself safe and succeed as a security officer follow these five safety tips for security officers on duty.  

  • Know Your Surroundings  

Your role as a security officer will require you to engage all of your senses and carefully patrol your surroundings. To be productive, you will need to be familiar with your work location to maintain your focus and remain calm under intense pressure.  When you are aware of your surroundings, it is easier to notice anything that might be out of place; I.e., smells, sounds, or an intruder. Avoid being distracted on the job or you could miss the signs of a dangerous situation. At work, being focused will allow you to have quicker response times; which could be the difference between catching a crime or emergency before it happens rather than after. Avail yourself enough time to react by staying alert and knowing your surroundings is the best tip for ensuring a safe shift. 

  • Stay Mindful of Your Job Site and Its Hazards  

On some occasions, security officers have to patrol buildings or locations that store hazardous materials. When that happens, security officers must be properly instructed on what is essential to know if the materials are getting targeted by thieves and how to protect them according to the type of package they are in. You must know how to follow the safety protocol if someone accidentally comes into physical contact with a dangerous substance. In addition to first aid, you must know how to contact the appropriate emergency agencies; such as ambulances, CDC, fire department, or other services that can deal with hazardous materials.      

  • Know Emergency Procedures  

Some emergencies like a fire, hurricane, or someone with a potentially fatal injury can affect your work location. A scenario like this may cause massive panic; which could lead to stampedes and wrongful deaths. To resolve this, as a security officer, you need to understand the emergency procedures that need to be followed in case any of these events occur. Some of your responsibilities would be showing residents, customers, or staff how to exit the location safely, helping with basic CPR procedures if someone is injured, de-escalating possible violence or general panic, and more. 

  • Always Carry Your Defensive Gear  

Although security patrol may seem routine at times, you never know when the worse is going to happen. To protect yourself against the unexpected, you must always be prepared with your defensive gear. This gear should include a flashlight, radio, pepper spray, handcuffs, communications equipment, protective equipment, and a baton, if it is allowed on the location. If you are an armed officer, make sure your firearm is safe and clean to operate.  Before every shift, check all your equipment and ensure everything is functional. Your defensive gear will help you handle situations efficiently when dangerous situations occur; so, free tip, do not be cheap when it comes to your safety gear. 

  • Know Your Limits  

Many security officers do everything in their power to protect others as part of the job. However, some events require specialized assistance. For example, in a terrorist event, special forces will be required; but you will need to know how and where to evacuate, try to keep people as calm as possible, and assist with emergency first aid, if needed. While acting heroically in some situations is tempting, you might not be qualified to handle them. Be sure to understand the protocol when dealing with special situations and know when to call local authorities to handle it instead of doing it yourself. Always keep in mind the safety of others first and what your abilities can and cannot do. If you are unsure of your job limitations, talk to your supervisor and ask questions. Identifying your limitations can help you react quickly to any emergencies you may encounter. 


Thank you for reading this blog. Now that you know these safety tips for security officers on duty you can protect yourself and provide the best security service to those you serve. If you enjoyed this blog, please share it with your friends, family, and colleagues! It will help us a lot! Do not forget to check our FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, and YOUTUBE to get the latest news, events, services, and products from All Florida Security, Investigations, Firearms & Bail Bonds!  And, as always, keep tabs on our website for future classes and events;!! Be safe my friends!!!